“Am I bothering you?”

Therapy for anxious people who want to learn how to relax

It’s exhausting being so apologetic

At this point, the anxiety is such a normal part of life that it feels like white noise.

But it creeps up at work when projects and presentations never come out just right, or in your relationships when you always feel on edge.

So you apologize. Again.

To the outside observer, you look perfectly calm but inside it feels like you're on the edge of yet another spiral

Woman relaxing with a book and warm drink. Therapy for anxiety

When was the last time you did something for you?

Just kidding. We don’t have time to stop even when we’re sick. Too many people depend on us.

But we see the impact on our face, in our hair, when we hear our heart beating worryingly fast. We see the impact when we look back and think, “What did I even do last week?” … Or month… or year….

Where was I??

What would your life be like if your headspace were dedicated to your passions rather than to all the ways things could go wrong?


  • What all could you do in just one day if you had less stress and anxiety? How much more energy would you have? 

  • What if you knew what to do any time one of those cringey memories creeps up from the past instead of diving head first into shame?

  • What if you could actually enjoy that event you worked so hard to plan? 

  • What if you could get back to the business of living your life?

Coffee cup with warm relaxing background. Therapy for anxiety

'Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.'

— Mary Oliver

Therapy for anxiety

Have you decorated your inner world with the echoes of conversations, critiques, and worries of the past? Not only are they living there rent-free, have these ghosts started throwing a frat party in your head?

I’ve got you.

Together we will grab our flashlights and shine a light on all of these ghosts and call them by name. We’ll discover what they’ve been feeding on and kick them out together.

I will be your supportive guide to help you fall down the anxiety spirals with a parachute and find your trampoline at the bottom.

We’ll reclaim power over your inner world and make it a delightful place to be.

What could your life be like without the stress and worry?

Do more than just “manage” stress and anxiety

  • Quiet your mind to create space for hopes, dreams, or literally anything else

  • Know that you are enough, and you never have to “earn” it.

  • Increase your self-esteem and self-worth

  • Strengthen your connection to your inner compass and voice.

  • Show up as your full authentic self in all situations.

  • Reconnect deeply to and savor the present moment

  • Improve your relationships by showing up exactly as you are

  • Create a life full of meaning, purpose, and joy

Some stress can be useful.

That doesn’t mean it needs to be on payroll.