Be/come Counseling PLLC

Doing too much and never enough?

Treatment and tools to thrive with ADHD

Do you need another to-do list to manage your to-do list?

You’re high-energy, curious, spontaneous, and fun to be around! 

But you’ve just forgotten another important birthday or missed another huge deadline.

You’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you have to do and it never feels like you have enough time to do them. 

Maybe things just seem so much easier for everyone else

Maybe you’re also feeling stuck or stagnant in your career, it was something you were passionate about but now it’s unfulfilling.

Or my personal favorite… How many books are you reading right now?

You know something has to change…

  • If you get another poor performance review, your job may be at risk

  • Your relationship is already strained, even without missing another important date or forgetting your part of the household responsibilities

  • You want a meaningful, interesting life and career, but at times you feel like you’re drowning and can’t seem to get your head above water with all of the things you have to do

It’s time to stop allowing shame and imposter syndrome to live rent-free in your head

Imagine if…

  • You woke up everyday feeling motivated and in control of the day

  • You were able to set up solid systems that helped you work smarter, not harder

  • You received recognition at work and home

  • Your relationships with your family, partner, and colleagues were the best they’ve ever been.

  • Adulting became seamless and effortless

What would your life be like?

Together we will…

  • Identify what’s been holding you back

  • Create a life you’re excited about

  • Tap into your intrinsic motivation

  • Release anxiety, frustration, and shame

  • Increase success with accountability and commitment to things that bring you joy

  • Create systems that work for you to help you 10x your productivity with ½ the effort

It’s possible to regain control of your time, life, and career.

Therapy can help you…

  • Show up in the world exactly as you are with all of your super powers

  • Learn how to hack your brain by better understanding the neuropathology of ADHD and how it works in the brain

  • Release shame and guilt from not following-through, having a lack of motivation, and living in organized chaos

  • Build momentum to help you create the life you’ve always wanted. Or at least finish that project or book you’ve had on your list

  • Work smarter, not harder.

Why me?

As a former gifted kid and recovering perfectionist who loves to start projects (*ahem* and never finish them), I had no idea that I also have ADHD.

Looking back, everything connects.

I’ve created systems for success that reduce overwhelm (and boredom), are color-coded, sustainable, and joyful, all of the ingredients that you need to do all the things (or to help you choose NOT to do all the things, without feeling guilty or like a failure).

Truthfully, it’s what got me through some of the most stressful periods of my life where I found myself doing too much and never enough, with too many people depending on me, all the while neglecting my most important asset, myself.

Now on my second career (which I’ve learned is also a sign smh), I’m so excited to bring these tools and resources I’ve collected to keep myself from drowning to help you surf and soar through all of the things that bring you joy and delight.

With great boundaries and without overwhelm, anxiety, or boredom.

Is coaching more your style?

Coaching can help with:

  • Day-to-day management strategies and routines

  • Set up money management and bill paying systems

  • Set achievable deadlines and reminders for appointments and tasks

  • Identify ways your environment can support or inhibit your success

  • Biohack your attention and focus with diet and exercise

  • Reduce decision fatigue

Let’s work together

Schedule your strategy call today!