Is job searching part of your self-care routine?

Career counseling & therapy for teachers, teaching assistants, admin, school staff, and subs

Teacher, I see you.

The past several years have been HARD. You're passionate about your students and making a difference in the world, but you’re feeling overworked and exhausted. You might be feeling pulled in a million different directions, deeply concerned about your students who are still struggling from the impact of the pandemic, and like you just can't catch a break. It may even be taking a toll on your own mental and physical health. I know it was for me. And that’s why I offer support specifically for teachers.

Do you need to meet at 10:47 or 2:23?

Trust me, I get it!

Why we’re struggling:

  • Unrealistic work expectations

  • Toxic administration

  • Low pay compared to others with similar education

  • Politicization of the career

  • Student behavior

  • Feeling stagnant with no career growth

  • The daily grind

  • It feels like there are more testing days than teaching days

  • Lack of safety

No one talks about the guilt and identity crisis when deciding whether to leave education

  • You love teaching and your students but it’s taking a toll on your mental and physical health

  • You spend all your energy and patience on the tiny humans at work that you don’t have any left for yours at home

  • You’ve invested so much time and resources in your education and you don’t want to start over

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.” - Gina Milicia


  • Working only within your working hours

  • Having the time and energy to do what you enjoy outside of work

  • Having PTO and being able to take it throughout the year 

  • Going to the bathroom when you want

  • Not needing a whole summer just to recover

Together we will…

  • Leverage small but mighty interventions to get your energy back 

  • Create healthy boundaries at work and at home

  • Release the guilt from leaving a career you’re still passionate about

  • Bless and release your imposter syndrome

  • Reset and revive your sense of passion in your life and career

“When the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it may be because they take better care of it there.”

— Cecil Selig

Career counseling & therapy for teachers can help you…

  • Give you the grace and kindness that you’d give your best friend

  • Figure out who you are and what you enjoy outside of the classroom

  • Release the guilt about not doing “enough” for your students or yourself

  • Identify strengths and interests to leverage in a new career

Career Coaching

  • Action-Oriented: Career coaching is a service that focuses on setting and achieving specific career-related goals. It provides individuals with the tools, strategies, and accountability to excel in their current careers or navigate specific career challenges.

    Goal Achievement: It helps you define and reach career goals, such as leadership development, work-life balance, job performance improvement, and career transitions.

    Skill Development: Career coaching often involves skill development, including improving leadership skills, negotiation techniques, communication abilities, and other practical career-related competencies.

    Short-Term Focus: Career coaching is typically more short-term and action-driven, with a limited number of sessions to address specific objectives.

  • Career Decision-Making: Career coaching is not primarily designed to assist with long-term career planning, career exploration, or educational choices. It's more focused on specific, immediate career goals.

    Comprehensive Career Exploration: It does not extensively explore various career options or provide detailed assessments of personality and interests as career counseling does.

    Substitute for Therapy: Career coaching is not a substitute for mental health therapy or counseling. It does not address emotional or psychological issues; its primary focus is on career-related challenges and objectives.

Career Counseling

  • Guidance for Career Decisions: Career counseling is a professional service that provides guidance and support for individuals making informed career decisions. It helps you explore career options, assess your skills and interests, and make educational and vocational plans.

    Assessment and Exploration: It involves assessments of your personality, strengths, and preferences to align them with suitable career paths. Career counselors help you explore various career choices and provide information about different professions.

    Educational Planning: Career counseling often includes assistance with educational planning, such as choosing the right courses, majors, or certifications to achieve your career goals.

    Comprehensive: It addresses a broad range of career-related issues, including career changes, identifying suitable occupations, and planning for professional growth.

  • Immediate Goal Achievement: Career counseling is not primarily focused on achieving specific, short-term career goals or improving current job performance. Its emphasis is on long-term career planning.

    Job Search Strategies: While it may involve some guidance on job search and resume building, career counseling is not primarily a service for job hunting or interview coaching.

    Action-Oriented Coaching: Career counseling doesn't typically involve ongoing, action-oriented coaching or skill development. Its focus is on decision-making and career exploration.


  • Unfortunately our code of ethics will not allow us to do both counseling and coaching. I can help you with either one and refer you to an excellent colleague for the other <3

  • My standard rate is $125 per session. I offer a sliding scale and will soon take insurance.

    Insurance covers: Therapy, career counseling

    Insurance does not cover: career coaching

  • Right now, I offer sessions between 10am and 2pm on weekdays. We can discuss scheduling sessions for a weekday evening @6pm if that works better for your schedule.

  • Therapy:

    - Duration: The duration of therapy can vary widely depending on the nature and severity of the issues you're addressing. Short-term therapy may involve just a few sessions (e.g., 6-12 sessions), while longer-term therapy could extend for several months or even years for complex issues.

    - Frequency: Initially, therapy sessions are often scheduled on a weekly basis to establish a therapeutic relationship and address immediate concerns. As progress is made, sessions may become less frequent, such as bi-weekly or monthly.

    - Continuation: The decision to continue or end therapy is typically made collaboratively between you and your therapist. It depends on when you feel your goals have been met, and you've developed the necessary coping skills to manage your challenges.

    - Duration: Career coaching sessions are usually more short-term and focused on specific goals. They can range from a few sessions (e.g., 4-12 sessions) to several months, depending on your objectives.

    - Frequency: Career coaching sessions are often scheduled on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, allowing you time to work on action steps and apply what you've learned between sessions.

    - Goal-Driven: Coaching relationships are often goal-driven, and sessions continue until the agreed-upon objectives are achieved. Coaches provide ongoing support and accountability to help you make progress.

  • Definitely check out the Teacher Career Coach

  • Career Counselors:

    Goal Setting: Career counselors can work with you to identify your career goals, whether it's advancing in your current educational role or transitioning to a new one. They help you set realistic and achievable objectives.

    Career Exploration: They can provide guidance and resources to explore various career options within education, such as moving into administration, curriculum development, or educational consulting.

    Skills Assessment: Career counselors often use assessments to identify your strengths, interests, and skills, which can inform your career choices and development.

    Educational Planning: If you want to pursue further education or professional development, career counselors can assist in creating an educational plan tailored to your goals.

    Career Coaches:

    Goal Achievement: Career coaches specialize in helping you develop and implement strategies to achieve your career goals. They provide ongoing support, guidance, and accountability.

    Skill Development: Coaches can help you enhance specific skills necessary for career advancement, such as leadership, communication, or time management.

    Transition Support: If you're considering transitioning to a different career, a career coach can assist you in exploring alternative options, identifying transferable skills, and creating a plan for a smooth transition.

    Action Plans: Career coaches help you create action plans with measurable steps to move closer to your desired career outcomes.

    Job Search and Interview Coaching: If you're looking for a new job, career coaches can provide job search strategies, resume building, and interview preparation to increase your chances of success.

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