Job Search Strategy

Your strategy will be part direct application (30% of your time) and part networking (70% of your time).

A) Direct application

  1. Create job alerts in LinkedIn that fit the criteria of the jobs you’re looking for (every conversation in part b, will educate you better to have better search criteria)

  2. Once your target job is identified, run the job description through ChatGPT to get key words and top skills

  3. Edit your resume to include keywords and metrics from #2

  4. Edit your cover letter to include keywords and metrics from #2

  5. If you are a perfect fit to the job description or at least 80%, go to their company website and apply immediately. Then see if you know someone there and try to let them know you’re applying for a job at their company. Ask for a 20 min informational interview on the company (the goal is to get them to refer you or gain insights on their culture to use during the interview). If you aren’t a perfect fit or less than 80% fit, try to network first for about a week and then apply if you don’t connect with anyone (expecting a lower success rate)

B) Networking/informational virtual coffees

  1. Send out virtual coffee requests to people you are recommended to connect with or people you find on LinkedIn that were in companies/industries/had roles you are targeting

  2. Work on your elevator pitch, 2 min about your skills and value to the target company

  3. Follow up with people from the week before that didn’t respond. If it was 2nd follow up and no response send a last “thank you” note and delete them from your list (for resources to keep your contacts organized, try TealHQ)

  4. After the virtual coffee, send thank you notes and write a summary of highlights, industry insights to be used in future conversations

  5. Use insights to create new job alerts or delete some (for example, if someone you meet says the company is not hiring, or industry in general is no longer attractive)


Interviewing Cheat Sheet


Job Search Tools