Covid survival guide
I am a therapist, not a doctor. What you will find here are links to studies that I invite you to speak to a healthcare provider about.
This article is updated frequently. Last update Oct 21, 2024
What to do:
Wear an N95 mask when around others. Regardless of your vaccination status or theirs.
Order antivirals like Paxlovid. Here’s where you can order for free.
Ventilate your space by opening windows and turning on the bathroom fans.
Turn on any ceiling fans
Use a humidifier if you have one.
Consider building a Corsi-Rosenthal box.
Consider speaking softly in shared spaces.
DO NOT EXERCISE or any other activity that raises your heart rate for 6-8 weeks. Link. Link.
Wash your hands. The virus can stay viable on your skin for up to 72 hours.
Increase oral care including brushing teeth and using mouthwash to reduce viral load in your throat and mouth.
Consider adopting a Mediterranean diet or temporarily going plant-based
What to take:
Everyone is at risk of long covid, even if you’re vaccinated, and the risk rises with every infection. Global rates of long covid are 10-20% per infection and higher in women.
Antiviral medication reduces the risk of long covid.
Here is a link to free Paxlovid for people who are uninsured: Paxcess. Here’s another.
If you do have insurance, Metformin has promising results, especially in those with diabetes. Additional sources here and here.
Vitamin D, salmon-oil Omega-3s, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, baby aspirin. Source.
Black tea to reduce viral load in your throat
A mouthwash with CPC (Crest & Colgate) or hydrogen peroxide to decrease the length of time you’re sick
To reduce phlegm: Avoid dairy and you may consider an herbal tea: steep ground coriander, pinch of turmeric, & honey; drink as a tea.
When to test:
Rapid tests miss 90% of asymptomatic cases, but that doesn’t mean you’re not contagious. Modeling studies show that asymptomatic cases are the dominant form of transmission. Even if you’re vaccinated.
Pro tip: Swab your throat before your nose to increase test sensitivity. Guide from Ontario Health on how to collect the sample.
How long are you contagious?
People are highly contagious for at least the first 8 days after symptom onset. Protect others by wearing an N95 mask if you’ve been exposed, N95s are 75 times more effective than other types of masks.
Rest to avoid long covid.
Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to increase risk of developing Long Covid. Source
A note on vaccines:
The efficacy of vaccines wanes quickly. They are most effective in the first three months, and protection drops significantly within 5 months. Source.
Pfizer is less effective than Moderna. Source.
You may consider Novavax, which has fewer side effects, may last longer, and reduces viral load by 600x as opposed to Moderna which reduces viral load by only 100x. (CVS, Walgreens, and Costco are all approved to carry Novavax this fall, and it is a 2 shot series).
Additional resources:
“I got it and I’m fine” Mythbusting covid misconceptions
Collection of peer-reviewed literature on covid (NIH)
Resource guide:
Long covid research roundup courtesy of Your Local Epidemiologist
What is long covid? (Crash course)
Long covid signs and symptoms
Resources for schools